A funny thing happened to me last night...First off, let me start out my explaining to you that I don't like to wear shoes..especially indoors...so I always go barefoot inside..okay, story time. Last night, I running to the kitchen to get some chocolate, because I was in the middle of an online poker game that I didn't want to miss..they time you, you only have a certain amount of time to do stuff in..so I was running because I didn't want to run out of time..(and if you run out of time, they make you fold and kick you out of your seat)..so I was running to the kitchen, in the middle of an online poker game barefooted in the dark..when suddenly I smash my [left] foot into the oven..the next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor, writhing in pain..in other words, it hurt...
posted by Val at 7/29/2001 01:33:00 PM