

Randomness in its true form--not unintelligible, just inconsistent.

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Also..web gleanings, eh? (from my brother's blog) Well, I saw this at a thread on my favorite site..

Ever wonder how much you're worth? Well check out this nifty little link. Just answer a bunch of questions and there you have it! Your worth. Mine happened to be somewhere in the region of $1, 800,000-something. Methinks that the person who came up with that test has too much time on their hands..but then again, I suppose I do too. Especially if I have time to do this website and take the stupid test.

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I find, that after staring at the computer for long periods of time..or when you're really tired, your eyes start going blurry. Hmm.

Oh well...the good news is that I was mentioned in my brother's blog.. And I agree, my mom needs a blog too.

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It has been brought to my attention, that some people are not familiar with ending sentences with "...". Through my many years on the internet (all of a whomping 2), I have grown lax with my punctuations. My mother says the "..." are referred to as ellipsis dots. They are used to show omissions or incomplete thoughts. The latter is what I do. Although, technically speaking, you are supposed to stick a space in-between every dot. Alas, I do not.. To clarify the theory of incomplete thoughts, I use them when I'm just trailing off. Maybe when I'm not entirely sure where a period or comma should go..or sometimes I just trail off. I will continue later..

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My brother talks about politics on his mom tells me that I should talk about something of substance as well.. not be so centered on myself. But where's the fun in that? I mean, the purpose of having a website (at least in my opinion), is so you can have the rest of the world focus in on your world for a while..if only for a page or two.

I'll tell you a few things though..I won't always talk about myself..but until we get to know each other a little better, I might as well explain my history. I live out here on the east coast, where I currently am soon to be a senior in high school. I'm in marching and concert band. My band director is a crazy guy...I guess I'm not going to say "old guy," because he's only 55. I'm surrounded by lots of neat people in the band..sometimes we don't all see eye to eye..and sometimes we're not exactly all friends..but they're a great bunch of people and I'm proud to be able to say that I knew them when..

More about the band...Like I said, our size of our marching band this year has dropped..last year, I believe that we had 112 or so in marching band..this year, only 84. I've gotten this reputation over the past year for almost always being right. It's not that I'm right all of the's just that I make an effort to be so. See, my first year in band..that would have been my sophomore year (I was 15)..I was one of the few people whom Mr. Hendrick (my band director), decided to pick on the entire year..Those few get to be yelled at the most the entire season about every mistake they make..all the time. I messed up so much.. Probably worse than any of the sophomores that I've known since. I was really awful. I couldn't figure out how to march with the music..which foot to go where...staying in step, staying equal distance between two name it, I could not do it to save my life. So I got yelled at all year. But that next year..I knew what I had done wrong..I was bound and determined not to let that happen again. Sure, you might want to be the center of attention..but not like that. So last year (my junior year), I earned a reputation for always being right.

Perhaps the band this time?..a bunch of crazy people..that's us. And somehow, this crazy bunch is brought function as one working the help of our crazy band director. Mr. Hendrick has taught me more than any of my other teachers combined..he has taught me about life..about music (of course)..about relationships with people..about emotions: laughter, sad times, angry times..just plain silly times..I think it is partly due to his wise (he'd never believe I'd say he was wise)..and thoughtful and caring leadership that we as a band, are where we are today. We may not have the best show in the whole state of North Carolina..nor the biggest or the best..but we are a family.. and I would gladly stand up for anyone in our band..(I'm not always sure that they would do the same for me)..but I would stand up for them. They're a good bunch of people..and like I said before, I'm proud to know them

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Our band is going to be good this year.... I can feel it. The sophomores this year are a whole lot nicer than the ones last year. This year, they're even willing to talk to me. I feel special. :)
Our marching band is smaller this year..partly due to a couple of different reasons..1..we had a big senior class graduate out of the band..2..we had a small sophomore band group come up..and 3..we had a bunch of people drop out.
The sophomores are nice this year..there's a couple of sophomore guys who keep asking me to eat lunch with them everyday. =) There are some juniors that were nice last year (last year's sophomores)..I might as well mention a few of their names(not all)..because I might mention them later.. A few of them were ..Brandon, Chris , Josh, Kira, Elizabeth ..and that's about it for now

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A funny thing happened to me last night...First off, let me start out my explaining to you that I don't like to wear shoes..especially I always go barefoot inside..okay, story time. Last night, I running to the kitchen to get some chocolate, because I was in the middle of an online poker game that I didn't want to miss..they time you, you only have a certain amount of time to do stuff I was running because I didn't want to run out of time..(and if you run out of time, they make you fold and kick you out of your seat) I was running to the kitchen, in the middle of an online poker game barefooted in the dark..when suddenly I smash my [left] foot into the oven..the next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor, writhing in other words, it hurt...

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We've got another year coming up in band.. Actually, we've already started it. Last Monday, the 23rd of July, we started band camp. Band camp is interesting in that it's all volunteer work. We're volunteering our bodies to get yelled at, sweat, possibly pass get the idea. And this is all for a school that barely recognizes our exixtence. They don't care about the band at our school..they care about football.....and that's about it. And occasionally they ask us to do stuff.. football games are a given, pep rallies (ick), parades (double ick)..

So the question really should be..why do we do it? We get yelled at by our band director(s)..we have to spend 2 weeks before school starts marching..9 am to 5 pm, everyday. (except Fridays)..we get the wonderful opportunity of sweating wherever we go and whatever we do..and during the winter we freeze..(last year I got 2nd degree frostbite)..

and then we get to be ignored on top of everything else..

so why do we do it? I can't answer for everyone..but I like the music..the people..the experiences of it all. We go places, we meet new people..we spend time with our friends that are in band. We have fun.

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Dum de dum dum... So I was thinking today.. maybe I should actually put something down of substance. Well...I can tell you some of the websites I visit..that might be good. Oh and my brother also has a blog..a much better one, but then again, he's been doing it for longer and he is older. It can be found here. I get to know this site better, I will put more stuff on it..and get an idea of what I can write easily..and what stuff takes me longer.

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Praying this works

Big test

Life is distinctly weird

Don't mind me..just tinkering around some. :) One of my favorite websites

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Onwards... I can do paragraphs (I think that's me doing that) and put things in bold. Progress! lol..See? Bold about italics? Hmm..let me see.. Italics How about both? Both Well, I guess that can be considered me anyway.

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Well..until I can figure out how to make the HTML work...I guess I will just do some writing. You know, for a long time, I wanted to be a writer. For a full time career. Then I realized that it pays about squat, unless you're the author of the Harry Potter series..So until I become rich and famous..I will content myself with this blog. (Which hopefully I will figure out how to work better in the future)

Right now on the eastern coast of the United States, in a state called North Carolina..where I live, it is all of 70 degrees (F) outside. It's also cloudy. Now I'm thinking, what's up with this? Sure, it's nice and all..but if I remember correctly, isn't it late July??....usually, around here..late July is humid and hot. As in around 95 degrees (F). So I'm thinking..gee, that's odd. And that's just how pathetic my life spend it commenting on the weather..oy.

Other people have lives. I have a life. A rather dull one, but a life nonetheless. I'm hoping that when I get out of the house..somewhere, it will pick up my life a bit. I mean, right now..what do I do for fun? I go on the internet..that's about it. I don't have any contact with RL (Real Life) friends..they don't have any contact with me..outside of school.. I don't have anywhere I can really go. Who wants to go to the mall with their mom? Umm.. not me. Even if I did go to the mall..shoot. The mall here pretty much sucks. I can count the stores on my fingers..The only good one is Waldenbooks.. Oh yeah..then there's that other issue..$$$$$$$$$$$.

Money..the problem of the universe. I get an allowance..come to think of it, I haven't received it for the last couple of months.. $17 a month. Great. I can't have a job during the school year (I'm not allowed)..and during the summer I'm too busy. Great. Wonderful. I don't really even want a job. Only jobs available around here are waitressing I really want to be a waitress. Uh huh. I think I'd rather be cheap and go without a job. Although..I have had a few dogsitting jobs in the past. Heck, one time I even took care of a chicken. Whatever. It paid good. Well, pretty good.

You know..I look out my window, the one right beside the computer, all the time. I see the trees, the grass, the dogs...the road...and I think, hmm.. I could be out, doing something. And then my mind comes back to reality.."and that would be???..." Hm...I'll let you know if I ever find out.

I told you..pathetic..

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Okay.. HTML hates me..and I'm about to say I hate it..except it's too soon for I'll give it a few months.

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<b>My pointless and probably pathetic ramblings</b>

Well, for one thing, I ought to tell you something. First off, I have no idea what I'm doing. If you would like to e-mail me..feel free to try. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. So you'll have to bear with me for the next few weeks.

Well..for one thing, maybe I could tell you why it's LCH? Stands for Lastcrazyhorn. That's my name that I go by at a lot of places. It's a long story that I will attempt to tell soon as I find out if this page looks okay.

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Try looking up "lastcrazyhorn."

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