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My brother talks about politics on his mom tells me that I should talk about something of substance as well.. not be so centered on myself. But where's the fun in that? I mean, the purpose of having a website (at least in my opinion), is so you can have the rest of the world focus in on your world for a while..if only for a page or two.

I'll tell you a few things though..I won't always talk about myself..but until we get to know each other a little better, I might as well explain my history. I live out here on the east coast, where I currently am soon to be a senior in high school. I'm in marching and concert band. My band director is a crazy guy...I guess I'm not going to say "old guy," because he's only 55. I'm surrounded by lots of neat people in the band..sometimes we don't all see eye to eye..and sometimes we're not exactly all friends..but they're a great bunch of people and I'm proud to be able to say that I knew them when..

More about the band...Like I said, our size of our marching band this year has dropped..last year, I believe that we had 112 or so in marching band..this year, only 84. I've gotten this reputation over the past year for almost always being right. It's not that I'm right all of the's just that I make an effort to be so. See, my first year in band..that would have been my sophomore year (I was 15)..I was one of the few people whom Mr. Hendrick (my band director), decided to pick on the entire year..Those few get to be yelled at the most the entire season about every mistake they make..all the time. I messed up so much.. Probably worse than any of the sophomores that I've known since. I was really awful. I couldn't figure out how to march with the music..which foot to go where...staying in step, staying equal distance between two name it, I could not do it to save my life. So I got yelled at all year. But that next year..I knew what I had done wrong..I was bound and determined not to let that happen again. Sure, you might want to be the center of attention..but not like that. So last year (my junior year), I earned a reputation for always being right.

Perhaps the band this time?..a bunch of crazy people..that's us. And somehow, this crazy bunch is brought function as one working the help of our crazy band director. Mr. Hendrick has taught me more than any of my other teachers combined..he has taught me about life..about music (of course)..about relationships with people..about emotions: laughter, sad times, angry times..just plain silly times..I think it is partly due to his wise (he'd never believe I'd say he was wise)..and thoughtful and caring leadership that we as a band, are where we are today. We may not have the best show in the whole state of North Carolina..nor the biggest or the best..but we are a family.. and I would gladly stand up for anyone in our band..(I'm not always sure that they would do the same for me)..but I would stand up for them. They're a good bunch of people..and like I said before, I'm proud to know them

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