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While I wouldn't ever do it myself, I don't see why others shouldn't be allowed to die as they wish. I feel the same way about this as I do about abortion. While I wouldn't ever do it myself, I don't think that you should interfere with someone's decision. It's their decision. I just don't see why you want to interfere with something like that.

Okay, correction. I could possible see how someone could think like that, but I don't see how they could want to.

I just think that it's nice that people are fighting back now and again about these sorts of things.

Deep Thoughts

Well, I had posted this and thought, "Well, that's that." But then I started thinking some more. Why exactly does that bug me so much?

It's the government interfering with our choices, our decisions. But the government does that anyway, doesn't it? I guess it's just because I'm sort of young, that I haven't really thought about this much. Sometimes it feels like the government is not here really. I think they do that on purpose. They wait until we have forgotten about them, before they make their move.

~scratches head~

Well, that sounds sort of bad. But I think that it is wrong when a person's decision about their life is interfered with by some outside, uncaring, impersonal source. Some powerful outside, uncaring, impersonal source. They don't know what that person is going through. It's not the government's decision. It's theirs.

If the ability to choose our own paths is taken away from us, what are we then? Where are we then? We are nothing.

I got this idea off of Star Trek Enterprise. Tripp was talking to this Vulcan about humans. One of our basic things in life is to have a choice in our futures. Or at least be able to choose what we want, if the opportunity arises.

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