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Harry Potter

I've liked the Harry Potter books since the tenth grade (when I was about 15). That's when a friend of mine introduced them to me by lending me his book of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, (or the Philosopher's Stone as it is known in the UK).

I liked the book from the very beginning. It enthralled me and made my imagination awaken from the teenager slump it had been in.

I remember when the fourth book came out. We ordered it from Amazon so that it would get to my house as soon as possible. I got it at 9 am that morning. I told mom not to bug me that day while I read it. I finished it at 6 pm that evening. It's over 700 pages long. I can't wait until the fifth book comes out.

This morning, my mom and I went over to the movie theater. They were preselling the movie tickets for today. They were due to start selling at 11:30 am. We got there at 11:05. There were already about 12 or 13 people in line. By the time they started selling tickets, there were about 75 people behind us.

So we're going to go see the Harry Potter movie this afternoon. We're going to the showing at 3:45. We're leaving the house about 2:50, and we only live 15 minutes away.

What can I say? I think, other than football games of course, that this is the biggest thing in town.

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