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I Really Don't Know How To Describe Myself

When I think of the term, "loose cannon", I really don't think of myself. I think of some individual who just shot someone after robbing them and now is leading a statewide police chase.

Of course, if I can't somehow get my temper under control, that could be me.

I'm a normally placid type. I don't let many things faze me, and if they do, I don't let it show.

But sometimes, just sometimes, I lose it. I don't know what sets it off really. Normal, everyday stuff will just suddenly spiral into a new light. And everything just turns into something else, and suddenly I can't control myself. It is day to day stuff.

Seriously, like someone not telling me something or acting like they always do towards me. But sometimes, I'll just see it in an entirely different light and I'll just completely lose it. And I can't stop myself, until I run out of steam or come back to my senses. And while I'm in this funk, I lose all touch with the outer world.

This rather bothers me. You know, knowing that you don't have as much control over yourself as you'd like to think. I've tried talking to some people before about this, and they said that I should show my emotions more often. But how?

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