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Most Of You Have Already Heard This Story

But I felt like talking about it anyway. Apparently, Franklin Graham is stupider than Bush. And maybe Bush isn't that stupid. Ooo, I can't believe I just said that.

But seriously, "The God of Islam is not the same God. He’s not the son of God of the Christian or Judeo-Christian faith. It’s a different God, and I believe it is a very evil and wicked religion.”

How stupid can he be? To say something like that? I mean, good grief man! Are you nuts? Are you totally out of touch with reality?

I could see this coming back to bite us in the butt later on. I can just imagine a scene where we really need to talk to the Muslims about something. And they bring up this thing that happened back in 2001 with Franklin Graham, about how he wouldn't even take time out of his schedule to talk to them. So why should they talk to us? I could see that happening.

The stupid moron. Hellooooooo! We're at war with a country that is mostly or all Muslim. We're trying to get away from the idea that this is a war against Islam. I can't really see it being a war against terrorism, but I do agree that it is a war against Afghanistan. And I don't necessarily agree about that being the right thing to do either, but that's a discussion best left for another time.

The point is, we're trying to make sure it doesn't come across as a war against Islam. And the stupid idiot starts spouting off about how evil Islam and its followers are! Geez.

Everyone, just watch what you're saying and whom you are saying it to!

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