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(0) comments 2002 Is Just Around The CornerMany important things are going to happen in 2002. Some of them we know about; others we don't. For example, I will (God willing) graduate in May of 2002. I think I will. Better yet, I know I will. Also, I will turn 18 on April 6th, 2002. I will also start my freshmen year at Mars Hill College. Yes, I know. I've heard all the jokes. The beginning of the new year is a time for thinking about what we want to change for the upcoming year. And for moving on. Perhaps forgetting your problems that you have accumulated over the past one. Maybe just sitting back and thinking, "Gosh, I hope this next year wasn't as bad as this one." It could be, it might not be. None of us know. My mom and I are planning on staying up late and watching movies. I think that sounds just fine. This is only if the video store ever opens. There's currently a sign on the door that says they are opening at 3:30. Hmm. Just remember that nothing is ever final in this crazy world. (Except death and taxes of course.) Happy New Year. I hope that it is everything your little hearts could have desired. (0) comments 12.29.2001
I Decided To Act Like A Complete Kid TodayAnd last night as well. Last night I raced matchbox cars. Today, I'm building offices for my lego people. It's all very interesting, trust me. And messy. Very messy. Did I ever mention that I talk to myself? Well, I talk to my lego people too. As well as my stuffed animals. And my matchbox cars. My mom says that I have always been very family oriented/organized/based. For example, with my matchbox cars. I group them together (or in my mind when I play) or they group themselves together by color. Let me put you into my mindset. In their world, they don't like the other colors. Some, like the doubles (they have more than one main color), like everyone. But everyone does not like them. Personally, I'm sort of partial to the Green ones, but that's just because green is my favorite color. Purple is cool too. Reds are annoying because I have several old ones from my brother when he moved out. Reds think that they are better than everyone else because they have more than any of the other colors, and because they have some of the oldest ones. Yellows annoy me too. None of them are very good. Good at what you may ask? Racing. I've got this race track. It's not very cool or anything, but it works. You hook it to a chair or something. It then slopes downward, where it does an upside down loop, before going out another foot or so. Then it stops, the car makes a jump, and lands on the other side, on another track. Well, some of the cars can't make the loop. And even if some of them make the loop, they can't jump very far. Some of my cars can jump 16 cars and still land all right on the other side. The champion of this is a light orange car. Runner up is a white car. That's another problem. I recently got some new matchbox cars. I got a green one, blue one, white one and gray one. I especially needed those colors. My green cars are all very good, all five of them. They needed someone else, so I got someone else for them. He turned out to be very good. He was the champion for all of the green cars. That is, he managed to jump the farthest distance of all of the green cars. They were all proud of him. Some were a little jealous, but overall they were proud. Now, as for the blue cars, they are a sorry bunch. There are about ten or so of them, but not many can even make it around the loop. About three of them can't make it around the loop. The others can, but only about three or four of them are any good at the jumps. One of them can jump about ten other cars, and I think that he was the champion. It's not that all of my cars are he's. I just really don't like to get into a PC argument. So, maybe in my mind, a lot of them are he's. But some of them are she's as well. The white cars especially needed another car. There are about seven white cars, but only three of them can race. The other four are too big to fit on the track. They aren't very nice either. They are big and old, but they are always beating up the younger, smaller cars. They steal their oil and roll off laughing. It's rather sad, really. Finally though, they got another car. It was certainly a good car too. It even beat out the old white champion. Trust me, she wasn't very happy about being beat out. She had previously been the reigning champion of the white cars. Everyone was afraid of her because she was so good. She is shaped like a panther. A white panther. The grays are really quite sad cars. There were only two of them. One was part of this old train set I have. It is really squeaky and can barely make it down the track. The other one can only jump about three cars. But finally, they got a new member of the team. It really is quite cool. It is obviously a racing car. It's really flat and close to the ground, and at first I wasn't too sure how well it would do. But it proved itself. It really got going and jumped something like thirteen cars. So what are you thinking now? You're probably thinking that I'm totally crazy and really boring, right? I have been playing this sort of game since I was a little kid. For me, it's fun. But it's a solitary game. I mean, it is an independent sort of game. Good for playing when you're by yourself. My parents always thought that I had a very good imagination. Also, there weren't any other kids my age in my family. Not brothers or sisters or anything. I'm 17 right now. Yeah, I know I'm acting a little bit under my age. Okay! So I'm reverting back to being 7. Heh. Whatever. You really should try it. It is fun. I'm fully enjoying it. You should hear me talk about my legos. In fact, I think I might go ahead and do that before I go back to actually playing with my legos. Legos Somewhere in the grand scheme of things, I think I was designed to be forever different. Like I said, I'm seventeen and still playing with matchbox cars and toys designed for much younger people. I still talk to my stuffed animals, and they still talk back. We talk about toys and food and how much they miss sleeping on my bed. They talk about how they don't like school (okay, I haven't played that in a very long time). They talk about who are the bullies and who are their friends and who they don't like. Legos are much the same. I like about three or four different games with them.
I just realized that this scenario sounds rather cruel. Why are the lower offices so bad off? Overpopulation. Too many lego people for the materials that I have. So, why not just use fewer materials at the top? Then they will be able to have better offices at the bottom. Well, I guess it's just interesting for me to find materials enough to build some semblance of an office for those at the bottom. Maybe this is not so much playing in an imaginary world, but playing reality with imaginary people. I never realized that. I have never written it down. It never occurred to me that this "game" that I played was more real than I had thought. It seems that this sort of thing is how the world works. Huh. (0) comments 12.28.2001
Hey, On Bloghop. . .On their best blogs list, I am on page 19. Now, that doesn't sound that big of a deal, but it's not that bad. Especially since this is a list that involves 67 pages. (0) comments Ultimate QuestionWhen you die, would you rather be forgotten, or be remembered because everyone hated you so much? Be forgotten forever, or be dead but hated? Which would you choose? Sometimes, I just want to be free. Free of everything. Of all constraints. Morals, walls, conscience, friends, parents. . . whatever. I just want to fly free. Left alone in my own daydreams. I wish my daydreams were real. Stuck here forever on this forbidding planet. Never can we ever get off and just leave. We can't ever get away from humans. Humans and their despicable behaviour. Humans killing humans. Hating, swearing, fighting, slandering. If aliens really did exist, and ever did really visit this planet, I could see why they'd want to blow us up. You notice in most scifi it's all about some superior alien race coming to earth and blowing us up. Why? What if we were to ever spread out into the galaxy? Destroying other worlds, ruining other races, hating other things. It's probably for the best that we're stuck here. Was that depressing enough for anyone else? Yeah, me too. When you think of the number 2 in your head, what color is it? For me, it's blue. My numbers: 1 is white, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. (0) comments A Whole World Is Growing Up Separate From The Rest Of UsThe Internet society is really a separate people. A different world that has different ideas and goals and prospects and worries and everything. I'm not into it enough to be able to reliably decipher its language. That, is the numbers and letters and weird computer signs that have turned into another language of its own. I'm not that heavily into it. For me, its more of just a home, but not a life. You know? Who do you know that lives on the Internet? You know it's an addiction. Of course it is. Try staying off of the computer for a week. You can't. I can't. It's like your daily hit of everything you ever want or need. Heck, if somehow you could hook up into the system permanently, you wouldn't ever have to come out, would you. Going to the bathroom, eating, breathing. . .it's just things you have to do. What I've always thought this particular example is funny. When you're on the internet all the time, you're looking for a life. Especially bloggers (not all, but let me explain). Bloggers write down what happens in their lives. Or in most bloggers cases, their lack of lives. But the interesting thing is this: when people finally get lives that are interesting, then they don't have time to write them down. Heh. It's ironic. Over the last few days, I think I've had sort of some Internet withdrawal symptoms/problems. See, while my brother and his wife were here, they stayed in the guest room. The guest room is where the computer is. So I didn't post as much. I didn't spend as much time on the computer as I have in past days/weeks/months/years. I'm not mad at them or anything, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that maybe I was more into this internet thing than I at first realized. And so it goes. It sucks more people in, and rarely throws anyone out. All the information you could want! It's right at your fingertips. It's here, for the taking. It's just crying out for you to find it. The world? What's the world? Anything you could get out there, you could get right here. That makes for interesting conversation/thoughts, doesn't it. In fact, that gives me an idea for a book. Hmm. (0) comments 12.26.2001
DratWell, the question that I was thinking about recently is of course, "Why am I so weird?" It's sort of simple, but at the same time, it's rather complicated. For one thing, I grew up in a smart family. The whole family was really quite smart. Sure, we have our skeletons, but then again, who doesn't? So I'm smart. I know that. I'm not boasting or bragging or anything of the sort. In fact, that might have been part of the problem. In middle school, I had some tough times. I've always said that math is the bane of my existence, but then again, middle school rates pretty high up there. Hell on Earth? No, that's too light a term/phrase. Slit my wrists sort of lifetime? Perhaps so, perhaps not. That story (the complete and unabridged) will have to wait for a later date. Preferably ten years down the road. I'll just say that middle school made me the person that I am today. And I don't think that I got many good things out of the experience either. I learned to adapt, no matter what. I learned to keep my mouth shut and my ears open. I learned to stay out of the way and to go with the flow, to avoid being crushed and broken. I learned to forsake all that I was for survival. And I learned to give all that I had for camouflage. Life sucks. That's all there is. That's all there was. And that's all I had to go on. Obviously, I've grown out of that a bit. I found my own niche perhaps in this great world of suffering. But I've never ever really felt comfortable around those that society has deemed the perfect and pure and popular. They make me nervous. Why? Because they just seem so fake. Without the friends and the money and cars and the make-up and clothes, who are they? I had everything stripped away, down to my very soul. In the end, I knew where I stood and whom I was. But without all of that stuff, who are they? (0) comments 12.25.2001
I Think Definitely. . .. . .that my writing has gotten better on this blog. It certainly couldn't get any worse. No, that's not right. I could have been writing in Internet lingo/jargon. . .which in my mind is just bleah. You know what I mean. The new alphabet and stuff. Gross. I don't mind being a little more relaxed on the Internet as far as things like sentences go, but when you start changing out letters and stuff, it just annoys me. As of December 28th, I will have been blogging for 5 months. Yay me. (0) comments If Perhaps You're Feeling Overwhelmed With The Commercialism Of The Season. . .Check this article out. It's about the marines who are stationed in Afghanistan. It describes their experiences for December 24th, and how they are doing being away from home in this holiday season. It really is an interesting article. It talks about how they are in the American Embassy in Kabul that has been abandoned since 1989. It's sort of a jump into the past for them. And at the same time, they're making do with what they have to enjoy the holiday. It's not about Santa Claus or presents or things like that at all. It's just being in the company of people you respect and care for. Well, at least that's my take on it. (0) comments Merry Christmas TpohJust a reminder that Christmas isn't just all about getting gifts. For some people, it's about the birth of Christ. For others, it's about the joys and warmth of getting together with loved ones. So go and hug someone you love today. And make sure you tell them that you love them. Christmas is the renewal of bonds and connections. It's about love. Or at least, that's what it is supposed to be about. So Merry Christmas Everyone. And to all, a good night. (0) comments Yee-haw! It's Christmas!And everyone really liked my gifts. And I liked everyones' gifts that they gave to me. Guess what!?! I got a letter jacket. Very cool. Thanks mom. Although, this thing was a little pricey. So I'll probably wear this thing for the rest of my life. In fact, I'll probably be buried in it. Oh well. I like it. It even has leather sleeves! We're thinking about going and seeing Lord Of The Rings today. I figure that I'll just go see it and then re-read the series. I never actually finished in the first place. I got stuck in the end of the 2nd one. What? So they kept walking and walking and walking. And oh, there's a rock. And they're walking and walking and walking. Hey, a blade of grass! And they're walking and walking. Bleah. So I'll just re-read the whole thing after I see the movie. (0) comments (0) comments 12.24.2001
Today Is Christmas EveWhoo-hoo! It's about time. I'm glad this football stuff is over, because now we can focus on the important stuff. Important stuff like cookies and buckeyes and mints. Dilbert's Laws Of WorkI especially like #10: "There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor of your car when the boss asks for a ride home from the office." Also #22, "If you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried." If I don't get back on, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and don't get into any serious trouble! (0) comments
Weird. (0) comments 12.23.2001
This is a seriously awesome siteI can't describe how the guy does what he does to create these images. I can just say that they are absolutely amazing and breathtaking. These are my favorites: They are absolutely amazing. I highly suggest you check them out. (0) comments Apparently, This Blog Is A Bit ControversialFrom my votes that I've gotten, there is very little middle ground. Either people completely hate it, or they completely love it. Oh well. That's how I am in life, I think. People either really like, or they absolutely despise me. Good topic to be talking about right before Christmas, huh? It's Incredibly Bleah Outside It's gray and cloudy and about 50 degrees (F). When I look outside, all I see is gray. Well, that's not all of what I see. I see numerous brown leaves, that sit under even darker brown trees. Behind us there is a fenced in yard. The image just contains dead leaves, dead brown vines and a cold gray sky. That's not very cheerful, is it. And it makes me feel colder. More Science Fiction It's pretty cool. Computer chips that you put under your skin that can identify you when you're dead or something. Some people think it would be good to use for children or elders that can't tell people who they are or where they live. It said in the article that this is already something used on pets or animals sometimes. But personally, I've never heard of this sort of thing- outside of sci-fi of course. So what do you think? Invasion of privacy? Or just simple safety precautions. If you have any opinions you'd like to tell me, e-mail me. I tried putting up a commenting system once, but it slowed the loading of the page too much. (0) comments I'm. . .Dreaming. . .Of A White. . .Christmas. . .Just like the ones I never knew. . . Sing along time? Hmm, perhaps not. I've had a blue Christmas here and there before, but I don't think I've really ever had a white one. And what do I mean by "blue" Christmas? Simple. I mean one that was covered by ice. That's certainly more of a reason not to want to go anywhere on Christmas day. Well, my sister-in-law, Maggie, and my brother, Nathan, are driving down here today from Minnesota. Brrr. I think that this may be Maggie's first Christmas here. In fact, I'm sure of it. So here's a little list of things that happen to do around the house here on Christmas:
See? It's not that hard. Rules are rules. Except that they can all be bent a little. That is of course except for rules 1-6. (0) comments 12.22.2001
So We Had A State Championship Football Game This AfternoonAnd we lost. No big deal. Well, yeah it is sort of. Mostly though, I'm just really tired. . .and sunburnt. It was kind of fun though, you know? The chance to go up to the big field (which didn't feel that big afterall) and just be there. We got beat out by a team with a crappy band. No offense, but really, give me a break. They only had like three people playing in the stands the entire time. And those were just tubas playing some funky, bad sounding thing. And then for their half-time show, they barely did anything at all. Oh, and we got beat 27-21. Oh well. What pisses me off right now (among other things) is that my mom is trying to get me to pick up like six things in the den, when I'm trying to write down these very important thoughts while they are still fresh in my mind. Tomorrow, I'll just be more of an oh well sort of mode. Right now I'm in the grumpy, grouchy, semi-pissed off mode. There will always be enough "Oh wells" for later on in the year. Right now is more of a "Oh f*** this." (0) comments 12.21.2001
I've Been Thinking About This RecentlyDeath. I mean, not in a suicidal/homicidal kind of way or anything. Just Death. That's right, with a capital D. It's a big thing. It is also so incomprehensible, that you can't even grasp any idea of the concept. I mean, seriously, think about it. What happens? What happens to you? Some people say that you just stop existing. But how would that work? What would become of your mind? Your thoughts? What would happen? Could you just be floating along without a body, but with a mind? That makes no sense. And how would you just stop existing, thinking? How could that happen? So, say you believe in heaven. Okay, I do. What does that mean? Personally, I don't want to be stuck with the normal perception of heaven. I mean, who all really wants to spend the rest of their days tramping around on a bunch of clouds? Okay, so there's a bright light. Then what? We just float around for the rest of eternity? Bleah. That's boring. But maybe we won't care? Trying to think of Death is like trying to imagine an unknown color. Say a color that is out there, but can't be seen or just hasn't ever been seen. It's completely different from any colors we have ever seen. Nothing to compare it with. How do you think it would look? You can't imagine it, because nothing you know will compare to it. Death is one of those things that I think would be really cool to experience. Unfortunately, it only happens once (according to most religions). It's so beyond our range of experience or understanding. You can barely think about it. So what do I think heaven will be like (if there is such a thing)? I was always sort of hoping that it would be like a place where we can always have fun, but suffer no consequences. And there wouldn't be mean spirited fun. Just things like skydiving, that you wouldn't ever have to worry about getting hurt. No
I just see it as every place any kind of person enjoys being in. A place just of love. The kind of love that tends to pop up around Christmas. Well, for most families. But heaven's just so incomprehensible. It blows my brain every time I try to think about it. (0) comments So Last Night Was A Rant Night. . .. . .so what? It happens. Oh well. I'm over it now. I know that if the football team wanted, they wouldn't need anyone there. It just looks good to have things like, you know, fans and stuff. We just stand there. They're the ones actually playing the game. It doesn't matter. It's all okay. Besides, I'm a senior, and I'm done with high school in five months. Heh. This Is A Fun Error MessageThat is, of course, if you don't mind a few cuss words and some obscenities. Heh. (0) comments 12.20.2001
What Do You Know About That?Tonight was "Royally Screw The Band Over," night and no one thought to tell us. Hmm.
Oh well, we knew we weren't important. Just not to be mentioned. . .hmm. We're there at every freaking game, freezing our butts off or hands or burning up in hot uniforms. (Hot in warm weather, freezing in cold). Um, playing at pep rallies, when we could be skipping out like everyone else. Oh, you know, losing our voices at every game from screaming and hollering and putting life into those zombies out in the stands. Those zombies out in the stands (no offense to mom), who don't do anything except sit there and stare and occasionally boo. We get going. We scream. We yell. We play. (Some people swear). We freeze. We burn up and faint during band camp that starts 2 weeks before school starts. It also happens to last from 9 am- 5 pm. Just screw us. We don't need y'all, and you obviously don't need us. Fine you say? You can just get on with the cheerleaders? Perhaps you haven't looked up in a while, but those cheerleaders do very little as far as getting the fans going and being excited. Without the band, who's going to go stand out on the field in two lines for you all to run through and possibly run over while playing 2001? Who plays The Star Spangled Banner every game? We do. Who plays the f-ing Horse every freaking time we win? Who screams at the tops of their voices everytime you all do something good? Or say, "Better Luck Next Time," when you do something bad? Who stands by you all no matter what, no matter when? Who got royally screwed tonight? We did. (0) comments So I Didn't Drop By YesterdayOh well. I went caroling last night. It was fun. And we went on a hayride. It was also about 35 degrees (F). Not to mention it being windy. Heh. We had three choices about which group we could go with. We could either go with the older folks on the van. Or we could go with the Youth on a hayride, or with some kids and their parents on a hayride. Hmm. Which one did I choose? I went with the third option. Sometimes I just feel like getting away from the Youth. So I ended up with the kids. But that was all right, I think I had more fun like that anyway. Now mind you, I wasn't the only youth. I have two friends that seem to like to be around me a lot, which is okay with me, so they came with us. That's okay, they're good with kids, so it all worked out. I think that sometimes I scare kids. I smile at them and they run away screaming. Hmm. There's something not quite right with that. Sure, I scare adults too, but they usually don't give that kind of response. (And what is the Valerie response for that? You know it, "Oh well.") But the kids last night were real social butterflies. Now where did I get that term?? They were really nice, and one of them decided that she really liked me. So hugged up on me and my other friend. That was fine. Fine until she said she really had to go to the bathroom. She was sitting on my lap when she said this. She said that she didn't think she could hold. So, what with there being a very bumpy road that we were riding on, I told her that if she couldn't hold it any longer to get up if she thought she was about to go. I also told her that if she really, really couldn't hold it any longer, that we could probably stop in the woods somewhere. This went on for about 10 minutes. I swear we were out in the middle of nowhere. My friend who was riding with me, said that she'd take her for a minute if I wanted. Of course I agreed. The little girl (her name is Casey and she's in the 3rd grade), still had to go to the bathroom. And while she was warming up my lap, I was afraid that something else might warm up my lap as well. So we put her in my friend's lap. Thankfully, we finally got to the house that we were going to. Also thankfully, they let her use their restroom. Not so thankfully it stopped up, but that's okay. I remember when we were riding down the road, I looked up at the sky. This is basically out in the boondocks, not a soul or light around. Except for the stars, we were completely alone. And man, those stars were bright. I was trying to tell Casey and a couple of other people all that I knew about the stars. What? I took an Astronomy class in the 5th grade, (when I was 10). I might add that that was 7 years ago. All that I remembered was what the 7 Sisters look like, and Cassiopeia, and Orion. The star cluster known as the Seven Sisters is a very small bunch of stars. You can't really see it if you look straight at it. You have to look away. Even then you can only see six of the seven stars with the naked eye. The seventh is the littlest. Cassiopeia is a design of five bright stars in a shape like a W or an M, depending on the angle that you see it. And Orion. I can always find Orion. I remembered some story about Orion. I couldn't remember the entire story, but I'll tell you what I told them. Orion is always being chased by the Scorpion. Or is it the other way around? I told them what I knew. I knew that Orion was always up in the winter, but then the Scorpion would come and chase him back down in the summer. Orion has two bright stars at the top of his body. Then farther down there are 3 bright stars in a line that is his waist or belt. Coming off his belt are paler stars that are like a sword. Below those stars are another two bright stars that are like his feet. (0) comments 12.18.2001
You Wouldn't Have Thought These Things Would Have Been Important About 3 Months AgoI remember right after 9/11, thinking that I wished I had some website information on the World Trade Centers before September 11th. Well, tonight I had an inspiration. Internet Archives. So I checked out a page on a hunch. And I put it in to the search at the Internet Archives. It came up with this. That was the page back in July, I think. It even has information on the WTC for tourist info. You know, with things like phone numbers to call and all of that. Major attractions? Yeah, I guess so. It's a week until Christmas. Advent's theme for this week is "The New Way - Love." Here's the prayer that is in our devotional booklet: Leader: May the Lord's love shine in our hearts. Just words to think on. (0) comments I Love ItYou can pay money to get in-depth reports on how crazy you are. Then they also provide a therapist link. Heh. Aren't they nice? This Christmas Break. . .. . .I'm going to spend some well needed time catching up on my sleep. I might even get caught up back through August. . .naw. (0) comments Oh My Gosh, People Are StupidOh yeah, like we didn't know that already. A fisherman got fined for selling fish that were too fresh. Apparently, they were still twitching when a vet happened to walk by. He even got charged a fine. Oh bother. That's almost as bad as what I saw in the store the other day Well, you know that patriotism has been at an all time high in the past few months, right? They are selling those car flags at the CVS near me. It tickled me that the USA flags were made in China. Heh. (0) comments I'm Finally Out For Christmas BreakAnd I'm tired as heck. I still have some Christmas shopping to do. That's pretty funny, considering that it is exactly a week before Christmas. Heh. I've already gotten Mom some things and my sister-in-law, Maggie. Now I'm left with Nathan. :p Also, at our house, we have this stocking thing. Mom fills mine- er excuse me, Santa Claus fills mine. And I- er I mean, Mrs. Claus fills my Mom's stocking. That's fine, really. Except for the fact that Mom's stocking is a really stocking from like 1920 or something. It also happens to be about 3 feet long, and it stretches. So, I think while we're at Walmart today, I'm going to sneak off. And no, I'm not telling you what I got for her. She knows about this website and she does read it occasionally. I Wish That I Was As Smart As This Guy A 17-year old guy translated some ancient hieroglyphics that no one at the museum could translate. Wow. No one has been able to translate the text for 100 years. Good grief. Budding geniuses! Come and get 'em while they're fresh! You don't find many like that. Whew. Although, sometimes I think of math as hieroglyphics. So when I finally translate it, should I get an award or something? Oh well. I'm done with math for the rest of my high school career. I'll find out what I made on my exam in the next day or two. Maybe. Hopefully? Do I really want to know? I think I did okay. I think I passed. So, I think I'm okay. (0) comments 12.17.2001
Apparently, Llamas Don't Like Christmas TreesSo there's this guy who has been having problems with having his Christmas trees stolen. So he's using llamas as guard dogs. Okay. Whatever works is good. He says that llamas don't like strangers. He also says that he doesn't have to worry about the llamas eating the trees because pine needles are too hard. That's my weird story for the day, and I'm sticking to it. It's about 50-something here (F) and cloudy. Well, now it's still cloudy, but it is also raining. Bleah. I like rain, I really do. It's just that rain and clouds and winter are just sort of depressing. It's just gray and brown and bleah. On a happy note, I got news of having been granted Tuition Exchange at Mars Hill College. Basically, that's like getting a full scholarship. Very cool. Plus, I think they really want me. They called me up and wished me a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Then they sent me a Christmas card. I feel all warm and tingly and loved. Awww. (0) comments 12.16.2001
Tired Of Hearing About Our Football Stuff?No? Me neither. Heh. That statement reminds me of this website I know about. But don't go there unless you're sending someone you don't like there, or you have a lot of free time on your hands. Her name is Ozma, or at least that's what I gather. Nothing Quite Like Some Good Interactive Magic Right? Okay. I swear, this might not be the greatest magic, but it is a good time waster for when you should be doing boring stuff like studying for English exams or Calculus exams. Interactive Magic at your service. This is a cool optical illusion. I used to have a book on optical illusions. Hmm. I wonder what happened to it. (0) comments Well, Seeing As How I'm In A Football Mood. . .. . .I'm in the process of looking for stuff about my high school (Crest High School), on the Internet. I mean, who can really blame me? You know, what with us going to the State Finals and all next Saturday. This is our quarterback. He's basically an okay guy. I happen to know him. We're not the best of buddies or anything, but we have a wary truce right now. (He goes to my church.) But while we may not get along too great, I'd just like to say that he is a really good QB. This is a complete listing of North Carolina high school websites, I think. It's complete enough for me. Of course, whether anyone outside of North Carolina really cares about this stuff is really the question. This is also another good pic of one of our football guys. I don't think that I know him, but you never know. Personally, I just also think that we have some really good colors. I mean, you can't get much better than green and gold, right? Right. Green also happens to be my favorite color. I lucked out on that one. I'm looking at this page and finding all of these interesting links. Here is a photo gallery of the game between us [Crest High School] and Ragsdale. Some of these links can only be found by looking around a whole lot. I mean, I'm digging around the site and getting lucky here and there. It's an okay site, but it could be a little better organized. You Know What I Heard? I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard that if we win the AAA Championship, everyone will get rings except for the band. I mean, everyone. Football players (duh), cheerleaders and even trainers. But not band. Okay, fine, whatever. Eh, it's not about rings, it's about the game. And us winning it, hopefully. This might be sacreligious, but I prayed that we'd win this past Friday's game all week long. I prayed when I got up in the morning, I prayed at night, I prayed on the bus there, I prayed in the stands. . .I think you get the picture. So maybe it was God's will that this happen? Or maybe we just got lucky. Either way, we're going to Chapel Hill! They started chanting "CHAPEL HILL, CHAPEL HILL," in the last 10 seconds or so of the game. The funny thing was that my mom was there and couldn't understand what people were saying. She thought they were all cheering for some player named "John Paul Hipp." Heeheeheehee. Also, we're in the Southwestern Foothills 3A League. (0) comments 12.15.2001
Whoo Hoo!We won our football game! Off to Chapel Hill we go! We're going to the top! We're going to win it now, I can feel it! Crest High School vs. Ragsdale- 19-17. That was the single best game I have ever seen. We scored everything in the first half. Then Ragsdale came back in the 4th quarter with a touchdown. So we just had to run down the clock, and dangit, we did!!! I kept praying it wouldn't be like the game against Richmond Senior 2 years ago. In that game we lost by one point in double overtime. That was hell, especially with a 4 hour drive back home. But this time, we did it! And we're going all the way! I started crying when we were playing our fight song at the end of the game. I swear I didn't breathe that entire 4th quarter. So when we finally won, I just let go and it was crazy. (0) comments 12.13.2001
I Don't Really Think There's Anything I Want To Say. . .. . .about this story. I just wanted to give you a chance to read it. (0) comments One Instant, We're Hearing About How The Hole In The Ozone Layer May Be Getting Smaller. . .. . .and the next moment we're hearing about how Global Warming really does exist. ~sigh~ It said in the article that Global Warming might not be a slow and gradual thing like it was supposed to be. In theory, it was going to be happening slowly over the next century or so. According the article, it is going to happen in the next decade or two. Yeah. And what could happen really? Well, two major things; really long droughts and extensive flooding. Well, where I live, we're about 14 inches under for our yearly rainfall amount. But then again, it has also rained for the last 3 or 4 days. That won't help a lot, but you can probably see where I'm going with that. And if you can't, well bleah. The article says that the Gulf Stream could be reversed. The Gulf Stream is a current of warm air that keeps the temperatures in Northern Europe temperate. If the Gulf Stream were to reverse, then Northern Europe could get significantly colder. What? Like the UK isn't cold and wet enough already? Really, I can't say anything about that. I've never been there. But you could ask my mom. She's been to England and France, I think. (0) comments Trekkie Fans Beware, The Future Is Here!Okay, that might be a little overdramatic. Maybe. Remember hyposprays? For all of you non-Trekkie fans, hyposprays are what the docters use in the futuristic world of Star Trek. You just press the little device against your skin, and push the button or whatever. It immediately injects into your skin. This means no needles, no blood, and no chance of infection from dirty needles. Oh, and for some of you, this means no passing out. Well, that's just a futuristic thing, huh? Well, maybe not. Just remember, the future brings many things. Sure, a lot of them can be bad. That's a given. But remember, some things are good. Just because something is bad right now does not mean it will be bad forever. So don't give up. Don't let the world get to you. Keep plugging away, because things change. Things won't be bad forever. (0) comments 12.12.2001
ExamsThere, I said it. The most dreaded thing of any student from the age of 13 years old and on. And why not before that? Before that, I honestly don't think I really worried about it much. Some people might worry about it, but when you're young it really doesn't matter as much. For one thing, when you're young, things aren't that hard. Or maybe that was just me. When I was younger, I guess I had some natural "smarts/talents," as far as classes and subjects go. I didn't have any real trouble with any subjects until the 7th grade. That's when I encountered the horror that is "Pre-Algebra." I think it would have been more helpful if my teacher hadn't have been Satan, but the world isn't perfect, now is it. And why exactly was she Satan? Hmm, where would you like me to start? Apparently, some of the people in that class had more natural smarts than I, if that makes any sense. They seemed to understand what she was saying, and pretty much got along all right. Heh. I think she would have made more sense if she had been speaking Japanese or something. Honestly, I was completely lost. That's back when I was shy. I'd ask how to do something, and she'd explain it exactly the same way she had before. And then she'd give me the evil eye, and it was clear (to me anyway), that I shouldn't waste any more of her time asking her how to do it again. And then she went and split the class up into the "stupid" people and the "smart" people. What fun. Guess what side I was on. Hmm. But back on subject. Exams are gruesome, especially in high school. I finally reached that stage where I can't just "wing it" anymore. I have to study and think and remember. It's actually very tiring. ~sigh~ I suppose it's easier for all those people who have always had to do this. And I've had to do this since the 7th grade in math. But not in my other subjects. Well, except for science. Science and math are evil. Bleah. History exams aren't so bad. Except for the DREADED AP EXAMS, most exams are okay. Oh well. The only AP Exam I have taken thus far was my AP US History class one. And I passed it. So therefore I'm happy. Very happy. :P (0) comments BTW![]() I'm The Art Test! I'm, erm, a pretty nondescript test that just does what it says on the tin, really. I don't thrive on in-jokes, controversy or irony, nor do I host ads... I have some pretty pictures though, will that do? Blah? I actually found it pretty funny that there was a "Find out what kind of test you are!" Oi. There are certainly enough tests out there, but this one just takes the cake. (0) comments 12.11.2001
And You Thought That I'd ForgetThe problem with December is that the numbers of the days occur on the same days as they did in September. So, December the 11th, falls on a Tuesday. Just like it did 3 months ago. Hmm. What a coincidence. You might just take out some time in your busy schedule to have a moment of silence. (0) comments You Know It's Bad If The Situation Of The Economy Actually Has Some Effect On Your LifeOh sure, we're in a recession. Okay, whatever. Well, anyone who has been watching the Internet for the past year or so, knows that we have been heading that way for a while. Ad companies don't give people as much money as they originally did, because they aren't making as much money as they originally did. All this free stuff is great, for the consumer. If you had to pay for your blog to keep it, would you? I think, unless the price was horribly high, I would pay to keep it. I like blogging too much to give it up now. I hope it won't come to that, but if it did, I would pay. Other places are beginning to charge their services. For example, Bluemountain now charges for everything except rinky dink "Everyday" cards. As they said, "Times are changing, and so are we." What? It's only $15.95/year, for a service that used to be totally free. Eh, that's fine with me (kind of). I don't use Bluemountain much anyway. But it did happen to be a fun, easy and safe way of sending Christmas cards and whatnot. Fan Forum or Forums For Fans, as it is called now, is now threatening blackouts if people don't donate money. They also have this thing where they can put little hands with a number of how many times you've donated, on your all of your posts. And soon, if you don't donate anything, you don't get to go to certain areas of the site. And now this. It's not the same thing, but then again, maybe it is. Blogger needs bandwidth, and is asking for help. I love Blogger, and if I had some extra bandwidth, or even knew what it was, I would give some in a second. This call is out to web hosts or people who own/run their own servers. So, that puts me out right there. My point is, those sorts of things seem to escalating. Maybe, someday in the not so distant future, we'll think lovingly back on those days when everything on the Internet was free. Hopefully, that time has not yet come yet. (0) comments 12.10.2001
At Least He's FaithfulFaithful? Yes. Crazy? Absolutely. Why? Well, let me tell you a little story about a guy who took the Bible absolutely literally. In Matthew 18:8, it reads, "If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire.'' Oh bother. That was then, right? And anyway, I don't think that they were completely serious. But, gee, that's just a little over the top, don'tcha think? Oh wait, what am I talking about? Ah, I knew I forgot something. This guy, a 32-year-old Filipino farmer, thought that his penis was driving him to sin. So he tried to cut it off. Ow??? Pain? Eek? You know, I think that there was a guy who went on Jerry Springer who did a thing just like that. But he did it with garden shears. Ow? Still On This Subject, But. . . . . .you know that there is a difference between Southern Baptists and just regular Baptists, right? Well, there is according to my family. Southern Baptists are those people who takes the Bible completely literally. For example, they are the ones who people that there is an order to things. God is first. Okay, that's agreed on. Man is second. And Woman is very far behind and should do whatever Man wants, because she is totally inferior. Uh huh. Okay then. With that same reasoning, don't you think that all Southern Baptists should be as crazy as the guy who cut off his penis? Shouldn't they be cutting off their hands and whatnot? You don't choose to believe what you want from the Bible, and forget about the rest of it. If you are taking the Bible totally literal, then you have to believe everything. Okay. I Happen To Think That I Am A Pretty Good CustomerThe only thing I might ever do, might be not putting something back in its right place. But that might also be because I can't find it's right spot. This person works in retail. It's a very long rant about all the things that customers do to make employees want to kill people. (0) comments 12.09.2001
Hey, It's Blogger!Yeah, so what? Well, this is one from October 1998! Wow, I know! I found it through the Internet Archives! Wow! Okay. Enough super, hyper cheerfulness for one day. Especially since I have to be back at church in about an hour and fifteen minutes. Bleah. Not "Bleah" to God. Just "Bleah" to having to practice a musical at church. Bleah. (0) comments Now If They Could Only Find Something That Naturally Changes Your Hair Color Back To Normal Just As Fast. . .. . .instead of having it change to gray. Our dear President seems to be putting on years overnight. Well, I suppose I would too if I had to think about the "What Ifs" all the time. From Bush's P.O.V. (Point Of View):
What if you had to deal with that everyday? Well, I know a lot of people deal with that, but they're not the ones responsible for making sure it doesn't happen. So maybe I feel some for President Bush. Maybe a little. But just because I feel sorry for him doesn't mean I have to like him. (0) comments 12.08.2001
This Is Absolutely One Of The Coolest Things I Have SeenVery awesome. It's a skeleton that you can move around. That's all I will say. Possible Uses:
Okay, so 1 and 4 are a lot alike. But that's okay. Hmm, but maybe. . .I have another idea!
Heehee. Okay. That was slightly pointless. Oh well. I really need to start ending my posts with something better/different than "Oh well" everytime. Sheesh. (0) comments I Just Met Some Really Nice People. . .. . .in the Blogger Chatroom. So I thought I might mention some of their urls, so you cane find out for yourself how cool they are. One for JelloCactus, and Plenty and Moireach. Love you all! ~Smooch~ Is it just me or is it hot in here? No matter, off to see Star Trek: Generations. Heehee. And then I have to be at church at 9 am in the morning again. Except this time it's for handbells. Whatever. Whew! (0) comments I've Been Sort Of Busy TodayNot that I was overly enthused about it or anything. I had to be at my church since 9 am this morning to work on a Christmas musical. I happen to have a pretty cool solo; so I felt like I had to be there. Plus the fact that I have an embarassing amount of loyalty. It was actually kind of funny really. We had our quarter finals in the playoffs last night for football. I screamed my head off and then had to sing a lot the next day. It's all good. Oh BTW, we won. We won 47-8. Now we're 13-0 and going to the semi-finals next week. Whoo hoo! About yesterday's post, I figured out why my tongue felt like that. I had been chewing Big Red gum (or whatever it's called now). And since it's extra long lasting, it stays spicier longer. Therefore, goodbye top layer of skin on tongue! AnywayI got home and watched some Dinosaur movie with pretty cool effects, but not much of a plot. Except for an already existing plot off of Land Before Time. Blah. Except Land Before Time was cuter because it made me cry. Sniff. And then we put our Christmas Tree. It's pretty easy since we have a fake tree. Easy except for the fact that we have enough ornaments to put on about three trees. Oh well. So Now I'm Just Sitting Here. . .. . .sneezing my head off. And my mom is making Chex Mix. And it smells really good. And I think I have finally run out of things to say. Except for the fact that I'm in this blogger chatroom. And we started talking about 80's stuff like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Slap Bracelets and Popples. I had all of those things and more. Popples. Heehee. I still had one I thought. So I went searching for it. And sure enough, what do you know? I still have it. Heeheehee. (0) comments 12.07.2001
Does It Ever Feel Like You've Ripped The Top Layer Of Skin Off Of Your Tongue?Would that even be considered skin? Anyway. . . Check out this cool poem I wrote for the band: (and remember, same rules apply. If you steal it, I track you down and eat you.) ‘Twas the night of the concert, when all through the school No person was stirring, not even a wise fool. Uniforms were hung in our closets with care, Thinking of parades, since none were left to bear. Teenagers were sitting straight up in their seats, Some thinking lovingly of their warm bed sheets. And Strickland in his armchair and I with my horn, We had been getting ready to be quite warm When in the band room, there arose such a clatter, I jumped from the hall to see what was the matter. Off to the next room, I hopped like a bunny, I’m sure people thought that I was quite funny. The lights, bright and full on the late winter’s night, Had given out no warmth but kept us from great fright. Then, what to my shining eyes should I have seen, A big blue truck, with a horn that would really ring. With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a second, it must be Hendrick. His voice quicker than Chargers, his words soon came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called all by name. “Come French Horns! Trombones! Baritones! Tubas! and Flutes! Saxes! Percussion! Clarinets! Trumpets with mutes! To the end of the hall, to the end of the gym! Everyone up, we still have to play our hymn!” We all had our instruments, and music for all, So with that, with friends, we all dashed up the long hall. Up to the noisy gym, we practically flew, Through the hall we all went, and Mr. Hendrick too. And then in the distance, I heard an echo, Oh good grief, ninth graders were starting the show! So I got to the gym, and was looking around, All of a sudden, Hendrick came in with a bound. He was dressed in his suit, green with those ugly shoes, Since his clothes were all dry-cleaned, he just couldn’t lose. Face had a disturbed look, he knew he was late, Perhaps he knew that it was his eternal fate. His eyes how they twinkled! oh how his ears were red! His cheeks were like roses, his hair covered his head. His smiling mouth was speaking words to the crowd, He told them to all be good and not get too loud. Holding one baton in his hand to his class, He warned them to act right, if they wanted to pass. He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a good middle-aged man, That looks like he hugs people whenever he can. A wink of his eye, and a twist of his wrist, Let us all know, none would end up on his list. The Senior Band up, and he got down to work, Wasting no time, he started us with a jerk. And standing down at the end of the last song, He gave them a bow, and showed all was not wrong. He told us to get up, and show them all some pride, We had no breath to spare, peoples’ lips were shot and fried. Hendrick was excited and shouted what was right, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” (0) comments 12.06.2001
Maybe I Don't Prefer Any Kind Of CrueltyMaybe I think that people who like to inflict pain and suffering upon other people should be thrown in with those people who create e-mail viruses. One giant eel infested mud pit. And I don't think that it matters if you think you're doing the right thing or not. Anyone who is willing to inflict pain and suffering upon others is somehow, just wrong. Even now. Well, especially now. I know, perhaps there are some necessary evils. Maybe. I know that we can't just let people take over and stuff. I know. It just sort of sucks sometimes. But we can't prevent cruelty without inflicting it? Necessary evils suck. Heck, mankind in general is just awful. Not all the time, but a good bit of it. It makes me wish for Heaven. But then I think of Jesus. I don't think that life was intended to be this way. I guess we really can't officially complain, unless we've already done all we can to try to help. And we'll never be there, I hope. Life is just so hopeless. We try to help, and we make the situation worse. We don't do anything, it gets worse. We hope, we wish, we try, we ignore it, whatever. Things just never quite work out. I guess that'll stay that way until the end of the world. Until then, oh well. (0) comments I'm Sitting Here In My European History Honors ClassThere are nine people missing out of our class because of some stupid test people are taking. So we're watching The Nutty Professor. Bleah. I hate that movie. It's stupid, it's mean and I think I'd much rather be watching something like Saving Private Ryan. Heads and arms blowing off; blood flying everywhere. You know, real stuff. Not cruel for no reason. War vs. Everyday meanness. Hmm. I'm not saying that war isn't cruel. But everyday cruelty and war cruelty are a bit different. I think. Hm. Is everyday cruelty that much different from wartime cruelty? I don't know. Maybe war just gives us more of an outlet for it. So people go crazy. And everyday cruelty is refined, toned down sometimes. Maybe I prefer wartime cruelty because it isn't fake. You know who your enemies are, as opposed to real life. I guess, I don't really know. (0) comments
Hmm, I don't know if I believe that. I don't think that I am really that cold and unapproachable. Am I? (0) comments 12.05.2001
What I Consider To Be Christmas Movies. . .. . . and what you consider to be Christmas movies, may be totally different things. For instance, Batman Returns. I mean, who couldn't love Michael Keaton in tight leather-type material? This is one of those things that I do around Christmas. I watch Batman Returns. I also listen to Mannheim Steamroller. Actually, I started listening to that around the middle of November. Oh well! I also have this thing where I can't read some books but once a year. Somewhere along the line, I started reading William Shatner's trilogy. It's well over a thousand pages long altogether. So obviously, I can't read it every day for a year. As a result, I read it once a year. And it just happened that I read it right around Christmas. So when other people think of Christmas, what do they think of? I think of Batman Returns, Mannheim Steamroller and Star Trek. What could those other people be thinking of? Hmm. (0) comments (0) comments If You Haven't Heard About This Virus, You May Be A GonerJust a little play on words. Heehee. But it's not funny. Viruses are bad. Whoever comes up with them should be thrown in eel infested mud. This one eats your anti-virus software/program. Very bad indeed. I Know I'm In Trouble NowThere is a chatroom for bloggers now. Goodbye whatever life I still had. Oh well. It's just so cool. (0) comments 12.04.2001
"People are burning animal dung if they can get hold of that. The whole area has been deforested. Many have eaten the seeds they were going to plant, they have sold their tools for food and they haven't any water to grow anyway." I know that I was mad about September 11th. I still am. But the people of Afghanistan didn't do this to us. One extremist group did this. One group. So everyone else starves. Sure, the US sounds pretty big. We're winning. So what? We're winning against a country that has absolutely nothing. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. This may be a bit simplistic, but let me explain how I see this situation. The Taliban is like a child, one of many. Afghanistan is its little brothers and sisters. We're the big kid. The Taliban just did something like eat our homework or wreck our bike. So we're mad. We decide to beat up its little brothers and sisters, for something this one kid did. The little brothers and sisters had nothing to do with it. But we decided to beat them up anyway. Like I said, simplistic. And I am in no way comparing the destruction of the WTC to someone eating your homework. Sure we can smack around someone who is smaller and has less defenses. It's easy. It's not fair either. It's like when I was younger. If I bugged my older brother he'd get mad at me and sit on me or something. But this one time, I bugged him while he was doing his homework or something else that was really important. He wrapped me up in masking (or was it duct?) tape and put the piano bench in the hallway so I couldn't go get Mom. (0) comments 3 Weeks Until Christmas!Yay! EEK! I haven't done any shopping yet. Oops. Oh well. Signs That I Have Been Thinking Too Much: sure is a ruse for user. tacos don't wear coats on the coast. goats don't wear togas. (0) comments 12.03.2001
Hey.Well today, I made a total ass out of myself. The School Board people came by today. I went over to talk to them. They asked me to describe Crest High School (where I go to high school). My mind totally went blank. I swear that's the first time that has ever happened to me. I ended up saying some crap about how I couldn't really say anything about the lunchroom, because I brought my lunch. Then I said, "Well, maybe that's why I bring my lunch." Argh. I could have said so many things. Well. . .
I mean, I could have said any of those things. But I didn't. My mind went blank, and for the first time in my life, I couldn't think of anything to say. Bother. That's makes me madder than anything. Thanks MaryThanks for this link. It takes a freaking long time to load (if you're me), but it's good. I'm not sure if I'm in total agreement with everything the person wrote, but the pictures are good. And For Mr. Greene (my very cool European History teacher)It's the Ethical Philosophy Selector.
I just put all nineteen up, since that's all there were. There's also the Belief System Selector. Apparently, I really should have been an Orthodox Quaker.
Those were my top ten. I'm actually a Baptist. (0) comments 12.02.2001
Glory!No more parades. We had the last one today. So, like I said. GLORY! And while it was only in the mid-60s (F), it was still warm. (0) comments 12.01.2001
Did You Know That HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus?From this website, you can find out any information on AIDS/HIV that you need to know, or just would like to. A good many people are prejudiced against those with HIV or AIDS. Why? I figure it's because they don't understand what goes on. You know else? You can't get HIV from kissing, shaking hands, touching, coughing or sneezing, insect or animal bites, or by sharing food, toilet seats, or from being in a swimming pool with an HIV infected person. So you don't need to worry about getting HIV from just being around someone with it. So stop acting distant. There are plenty of people at my church (mostly in the youth group), who don't understand these things. They immediately don't want anything to do with people who have HIV or AIDS. And I betcha that they aren't the only ones. So how does HIV spread then? Huh? Well, there are a few different ways. If you have SEX with someone who is HIV positive without the use of a condom, they can give to you. Same goes with oral sex. It doesn't matter. Vaginal/anal/oral. What else? SHARING NEEDLES. If you share needles with someone who is HIV positive, then you can get it. Mothers can pass it to their babies in three ways: during pregnancy, during birth, or through breastfeeding. And unfortunatly, you can also get it from blood transfusions. If you get an infected organ or amount of blood from someone with HIV, then you can be infected. If you think you might have HIV, you can call the National AIDS Helpline on 0800 567 123 for free confidential information about HIV and AIDS and sexual health 24-hours a day. If you think there is any chance that you might have it, you need to get it checked out. But you must wait at least 3 months between the time you think you may have contracted it. Otherwise, it won't show up in the test. But please get it checked out. If you don't, and you do have it, you could be unintentionally infecting new people. People newly infected with HIV in 2000 5.3 million. . . just under 15,000 cases per day. That's a lot. That's EVERY day. Please get checked out. And please practice safe sex. How much do you know about HIV/AIDS? That's a quiz to find out what you know. I took the test. I got 20 out of 20 right. 100%. Can you do as well? Today is World AIDS Day. Please help somehow. If you have a website, please help spread the information. If you have an online journal or blog, Check out this page for information. Eastern Europe Eastern Europe currently has the fastest growing number of AIDS/HIV cases in the world. In Africa, they have many problems with slowing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Some places, they have a shortage of condoms. Other places, the men won't use them, and the women can't get them to. And listen to this: Most of Asia appeared to have a relatively low rate of HIV infection, but that could be misleading, the report said. "In vast, populous countries such as China, India and Indonesia, national prevalence all but loses meaning. "The 1% infection rate reported in India meant 3.86m there were living with HIV/Aids. Another website that is really good for information is UNAIDS. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control. National Alliance for Hispanic Health. AIDS 101. (0) comments Contact me at: lastcrazyhorn AT gmail DOT com |