Have you ever felt like all of your creative juices have been sucked out by the weight of the world???
I swear, I haven't written poetry in over a year. I've been too busy with college and life . . . Life, now there's a funny thing. I didn't used to have one. Now? Now it's just very busy.
Sometimes I wonder why I'm a music major.
The rest of the time I'm just glad that music exists, because it makes damn good sense to me!
You know, I could become an alcoholic if I wanted to. Why would I want to though? It's not like I got up one day and said to myself, "Self--I think I'll be an alcoholic when I grow up." Neh. I just sort of think that I have the sort of personality that could definitely become addicted.
However, as long as my schedule is so packed full that I barely have time to sit, eat, sleep or breathe . . . I certainly don't think I'll have enough time to do something like become addicted to alcohol or whatever.
I've closed myself off to poetry. I don't think I can easily get that deep anymore. What the hell happened to me? Maybe I'll get it back someday.
posted by Val at 1/27/2004 10:34:00 PM