

Randomness in its true form--not unintelligible, just inconsistent.

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New Direction

I have decided to change blogs. I wanted to start blogging again, but I didn't want to have to completely revamp this one. So I just uprooted to a new location. It's called stoP And Inch North. Weird much?

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Every now and then, I think about this place, just sitting here . . . doing nothing. It makes me sad, I guess. I mean, incredible as it seems, I started this blog back before 9/11. And since then, I have graduated high school, graduated college, written a book (currently being edited), made several lifelong friends, extended my horn range from 2 and a ½ octaves to 4 and a ½ octaves, found my soul . . . among other things, and discovered that life is worth living.


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Try looking up "lastcrazyhorn."

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Contact me at: lastcrazyhorn AT gmail DOT com